Sunday, May 10, 2015

Missed Warnings

just realized that I don't have to put the title twice every time :P

Part 1

Part 2

Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Match Made in Heaven

A Match Made in Heaven

Part 1

Part 2



I apologize from deep down in my heart that I was gone so long, the charger for my laptop broke and it took forever for me to build up enough money to buy a new one, unfortunately even now I still don't have enough time to post consistently but I am doing my best to make up for the days lost, I will hopefully posting something shortly, and I am planning for a very long and intricate multichoice caption soon. I am happy  to be back and I hope I haven't lost too many readers in my absence.

Saturday, February 28, 2015



Very short cap today, might do another one later

Part 1

Friday, February 27, 2015

Mental Fog

Mental Fog

Sorry that I posted this so late. busy busy busy

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The "Stupendous" Gender Swap

The "Stupendous" Gender Swap

The first Worldwide Event post, now to be called, The Stupendous Gender Swap. I'm excited.

Part 1

Part 2

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Multichoice 1

Multichoice 1

Sorry that I haven't been able to post for the past few days. My power has been out because of all the snow and ice. I decided I would make it up to you by giving you this. The number of caps in this post should more than make up for all the days I was gone.

Your name is Liam. You are 51 years old. You work at a furniture factory. You have been working there for 34 years. You started when you were 17. The back breaking work strains you to the edge. You aren't smart enough to go to college, nor are you healthy and athletic enough to compete in any kind of sport. Every night you go home and lie in your bed alone. Your work stress causes you to be complete jerk to everyone you speak to. You haven't had a day off since you were hired and your were pretty sure you never would. If you haven't guessed already, you have a horrible, extremely depressing life. It's no wonder you want out so badly. Today is a new day. As you walk out of your one bedroom apartment you come across a large medallion with an intricate spiral printed on it. On the back it says

"What do you wish for most?"

(Be warned! each choice has its own unique pros and cons, and you might get one thing as a result of another, but not as much as you would if you had chosen that thing in the first place)

Thursday, February 19, 2015

They Grow Up So Fast

They Grow Up So Fast

Sorry I was gone yesterday. I got really busy all of a sudden.

 Part 1

Part 2

Monday, February 16, 2015

Athletic Wishes

Athletic Wishes

The first caption on the blog! I don't know about you, but I am excited for what may come.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog!

On this blog I will be posting fictional stories accompanied with visual assistance. Basically just your average caps blog, (got you with the sophisticated ploy didn't I?) Anyway here you will find many different types of captions, most of them (as the name implies) involve someone turning into a version of themselves of the opposite gender! Here is a list of the different types of caps I'm thinking of having so far

  • Price to pay - This type involves someone making a wish and having it come true, but as a price, they have to switch genders. Reality also changes with them and everyone remembers them as their new selves, and all their belongings change too
  • Revenge - Whether by tech or magic, In this type those who have done wrong are punished, by being forced to become the opposite gender
  • Gender Swap - In this type, two people swap genders with each other... sometimes unwillingly
  • Worldwide Event - Every man on the planet becomes a woman, and every woman a man. Their sexual orientations also update so that they  liked the opposite gender that they did before. This means that if you were a gay man, then you would become a lesbian woman and vice versa.
  • Body Swap - Self explanatory. These will probably be very rare because they are done so much already.
  • Age Change - May or may not involve swapping genders, but will always lead to someone becoming a different age (duh)
  • Multichoice - these are caps where you are the person going through the story.
I hope you enjoy it!